Monday, August 11, 2008

Family Photo Shoot!

Well, that's a wrap. The first official "Klann Family Reunion" has come to a close. What a fun week and so many fun memories! This is the first family picture with our newest 3 additions...Todd, Miki and little Cody!

My brother's wife Miki has started her own photography business and so we pleaded with her to take our pictures. She did a fantastic job and we all had a lot of fun. We went to Gasworks park in Seattle for the first shoot. It was a little out of the "norm" for a backdrop, but I like the way they turned out. Then we went to eat at Mel and Todd's favorite burger joint - Red Mill. Yum, yum. Nothing like eating a big juicy hamburger, shake and fries when you're in a tight pair of jeans right?

Then we rolled over to Robinswood park for some greenery shots. Here Cody is engaged in one of his favorite passtimes...pulling hair! He is so cute...a little David. The girls could hardly contain themselves. They all wanted to hold him, feed him, and play with him. Funny though...none of them wanted to change any diapers!

Brinley was having fun not being the "littlest." She was trying to hold Cody, but he is almost as big as she is! Well not quite...but he's not so easy for her to carry around.

Natasha surprised me the most. After a day or so of reservation, she really seemed to bond with Cody. I could see the future babysitter coming out in her. She did a great job taking care of him.

Here's my little girlies at Gasworks.

This one is one of my favorites...This is probably a more realistic shot of the Klann Klan. CRAZY!

Cute couple...Mel and Todd

David, Miki and little Cody. I know I sound a lot like a big sister, but it was so strange to see my brother in the "father" mode. He looked like such a natrual. He was so cute with Cody and it was so much fun to see him and Miki having so much fun with their new little one.

The reunion was fun...hopefully we won't have to wait too long to do it again!


Bell Blog said...

Is that the shirt you weren't sure about? I like it. :)