Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Amphibian Farm

Yes, it's true. We now have our own amphibian farm in the backyard. It all started with a "frog sale" at the Cinco De Mayo party down the street. We ended up taking home 4 frogs - two of which must have been "very good friends." The morning after we brought them home 3 of the 4 frogs had disappeared, and our two lovebird frog friends had left a cup full of eggs. Nice. My girls woke up early to check on the frogs and then proceeded to divide up the unborn eggs and describe them in detail to me as black balls with "goup" around them. Somewhere in the middle of that I lost my appetite for my morning bowl of cereal.

That afternoon Kylie came home to find her frog had drown in the cup - rigimortous in full effect. After a dramatic burial we headed out for a round of frog hunting. The girls found success and we brought home 3 new frogs. The girls secured their frog "cages" with plastic wrap and rubber bands and Kylie even caught a whole bag of bugs at school to feed them.

Despite their efforts, Brinley's frog somehow escaped, and so we headed out for another round of frog hunting tonight. Because of Natasha's mad frog hunting skills, we brought home 3 new frogs. Natasha informed me that our amphibian farm was going well despite the fact that we've killed or lost 5 of the 7 frogs we've brought home.

The girls have assured me that once the frog eggs hatch they will be rolling in the bucks when they sell the baby frogs for $1 a piece. I guess that frogs are the new "lemonade." What do I know? I'm just the mom.

Does anyone have some more anti-bacterial?


Tueller Family said...

Good job on the blog! I love it. Your pictures are fantastic. I have to say that I am not disappointed that we didn't make it home with any frogs. I am adding you to my links.

Aaron&Mandie said...

What a beautiful dancer!! Way to go! We love you all sooo much!!
Uncle Aaron & Aunt Mandie