Friday, May 30, 2008

The gift of perspective

If I could capture this in a bottle...

Do we take enough time to stop and soak in the innocence of our children and the simple moments that unfold before us everyday? Do we spend enough time watching, loving and absorbing our little ones while life is still simple and perfect in their eyes?

Have we asked them how they see themselves when they're "all grown up?" Motherhood is so challenging. But when I take a few steps back and try and gain perspective on the "big picture" it becomes very clear.
My littlest one is growing up so fast. At times that thought is almost too much to bear. She sees herself someday being the "best mommy ever." As I watch her care for and nurture her little babies, I wonder, "Is that what she saw from me? Did I give her that same quality and quantity of love?"
Life moves quickly. There are days and weeks that pass me by before I realize that I've lost touch with what counts the most. If all that we love the most was suddenly taken from us, would the rest really matter?

I'm not a perfect mom by any stretch of the imagination. But when I am gifted a little perspective, I am definately overwhelmed with gratitude for all I have been given. It's a second wind in a job that never ends and that I can never be sure I've done quite right. But I thank God for letting me try.


Kimberly Hill said...

Thanks Aimee for the beautiful thoughts. I need to remember to stop and enjoy the moment.

Tueller Family said...

I also need to stop and enjoy the moments. Unfortunately, the moments seem a little stressed. I am going to TRY to enjoy our time together this summer. :)